Quiet and Smooth Operation
Your content writer for this chapter is My eyes closed, I drift through the dreamy world of sound around me
Let's begin our discussion of image with Such Second manifestations. The classic example is a surface that reflects light. The light turns somewhat to the image that is seen. In an attic where there are many windows, the rays of the sun form so many different images; all of these images are reflected and pass into the attic room's space. Yet they never do this at one and the same time. A surface that reflects light both to itself and towards another object is termed a reflected image-producing surface
A good example of Such sort images is the surface which reflects light. When light is reflected from such a surface into the eye of an observer, it turns somewhat different from that originally seen by its creator. At every window of a house with many different windows, the sun's rays are turned into countless other images. Every one of these is a reflected image and passes up into the room's space. However, never all at once Here we call the surface which reflects light and reflects it back onto itself an "image-making surface".