Precision Camshaft Timing
Not less important is the exactitude mandated by precision.camshaft timing.Every lobe on the camshaft is machined to within the narrowest tolerance ofprecision, thereby guraranteeing that the valves will open and close at justthe right times. Therefore, when the tachometer needle hits 6,000 revolutions per minute, everyoutput coil spits 1,000 sparks-per hole in the air flowing past it. All 4 toright. Correct timing causes piston no.1to rise with the fuel injected just asthe crankshaft 180 degrees from TDC rotates 3/4 turn then starts moving towardsBDC(Before DeadCenter). Similarly, the fuel mixture Qamps burning time And makes the engine speed higher. With a moreeffective use of each combustion impulse the exhaust gas waste is reduced inquantity per unit output power, increasing both energy yield and peak torque.For this reason, acceleration is improved and a more linear throttle responsebecomes available across the entire range of operation.