Robust Durability
There is are four reasons why I consider that the traditional festivals will not disappear in China: First of all, traditional festivals have been celebrated existence lasting for thousands of years, one-year cool annual cycle too long for the immortality of tradition. It may not be transplanted from abroad to replace China fourth greatest source of wealth--our cultural heritage. Second, people in today's society are more concerned with material things than they are spiritual needs, once driven by desire and profit wretchedness takes over where there was once prosperity. But. Third, even a traditional festival with an ancient background and few customs may still be held in high regard by the masses. So it is that on Mid-Autumn Festival day the mooncakes are always heavily discounted, despite their frailty. Finally, as more and more town-dwellers move towards the urban areas in search of work, traditional culture will lose its base. City life will not take up such aspects of soul force; people will drift further from nature and against their natural wishes, live in obedience to clock time which is determined by urban rhythms.":""